Nick Riding
Strength & Conditioning Coach
We are delighted to welcome Nick to Cultiv8 Team as our specialist S & C Coach. Nick has accrued extensive experience in devising and delivering S & C programmes to teams and individuals across a number of sports. He has held intern positions at Blackburn Rovers Football Club and at Leeds Beckett University; provided S & C support for tennis players at a Training Camp in Spain; and delivered the S & C Programme for West Park RUFC during the 2018-2019 season.
Nick has personal experience of competitive elite sport. For ten years he competed in Ju-jitsu, reaching Black Belt standard. Alongside his Ju-jitsu commitments Nick began to play Rugby Union, representing Lancashire and Sale Jets. During his time studying at Leeds Beckett University he represented the University’s 1st & 2nd XVs. At present Nick is on the World Class Start Programme, a specialist Talent ID Programme that trains and develops athletes for the GB Rowing Team. Nick’s aspiration is to compete for GB at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
Nick’s academic knowledge and qualifications (BSc in Sport & Exercise Science & MSc in Strength & Conditioning), together with his personal experience of high-level sport and the practical application of Strength and Conditioning within numerous sports will be an asset to the Cultiv8 Team. Nick understands the commitment, dedication, and sacrifice required to train and compete at the highest level. He will be an excellent role model for all players at the Academy. We look forward to Nick working with the players, helping them to enhance their physical and athletic skills and ultimately improving their on-court performances.